Monday, April 28, 2008

Some pictures before we go to the doctor this morning

Thomas before he left for work this morning.
I just love his dimples and how happy he is.
Well let's just see that twice (sorry in a hurry). :0)
We couldn't do it (but we threw it away, is that any better?!?)
The little glow worm with a little glow worm from Great Grandpa W.
He was so wide awake for much of yesterday afternoon, we had so much fun talking and hiccuping and napping and eating. It was a good day, here's to hoping for some good news about getting rid of the bili blanket!


Charlee said...

It's sad when daddy has to go back to work. Hope the weight check goes well today. We are headed off to the park trying to keep distracted till the baby comes.

Jessica said...

I'll bet Thomas misses his little guy all day today. Hopefully you are doing great by yourself for the first day! Hopefully little jonathan will get to be unplugged soon and you can start going out.

Jessica said...

p.s... I love those dimples!

Jill said...

What cute dimples! I always wished that I had dimples as a kid. Thanks for all the picture updates...I know how busy it is when you're home from the hospital. Hey, do you have an evening that I could bring you a meal?

Lori said...

My brother got Garrett the glow worm and I remember when it was so big next to him. Now he carries it around and it's just a tiny little glow worm being carried by a big ole toddler.