Sunday, February 13, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

Today Thomas and I were realizing how much things have changed since our first Valentine's Day. I was a junior in high school and he was a senior. We went to the Jade Inn in Highland. While we were eating dinner he realized he had a huge hole in his pants. :0) He gave me a diamond ring. I think I decided then that he was a keeper... mostly because we could laugh about the hole in his pants but the jewelry was nice too. While we were in the car today talking about how things have changed... how we used to go out all the time and now we never get out... a little voice piped up from the backseat "Stop talking! I am hungry! Can we go to Freeeuuugoooss?" and another little voice piped up " wah" (translation- are we home yet? I am getting hungry!) hmmmm maybe these two are part of what makes our lives so different from 1998... but I think they help make this valentine's day is the sweetest one yet! It's just another season of our lives and I wouldn't change it for the world!
- I love my boys!!!

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