Thursday, January 7, 2010

The drive

Here is some randomness about our drive:
  • I drove the first two hours and the last two hours. Thomas drove the rest.
  • The coldest our car thermometer read was -20. Didn't know it went into the negative.
  • At one point we did not see another car or sign for over an hour.
  • At one point it was foggy, snowy, curvy and just plain scary. I thought a pack of wolves was going to run out of the woods and attack us and Thomas thought we were going to be abducted by aliens.
  • We had visions of headlines "Family of 3 lost on a remote road in the snow... survives by eating cheerios from son's carseat for weeks!"

  • Changed a diaper while the car was still moving... and JT sort of in his car seat and I was leaning over the backseat... but we were safe and put the flashers on!
  • Got hit in the head more than once by "pipie"
  • Stopped to play at a Mc Donalds playground but it was too cold to even stand in.
  • Drove through the desert and there was snow.
  • We had an awesome drive the whole way Home to Utah. Utah to June. June back home. (1,678.8 total miles)

  • We passed the entrance to the Tonopah Missile Test Range! (Thomas' inner nerd thought this was cool!)

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